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For this installment of The Nomad’s Journal, we’re looking at something a little different for you guys. Not everyone can go on an adventure whenever they feel like it, especially the way things are this year, and with summer around the corner, we thought we’d look into some resources and materials that can take you away from the normal day to day, and let you escape to your next adventure all while still sitting on your couch.

First up, DEEP, this is a book by James Nestor where he looks into the world of free diving, this was something new to me as not really heard of it much before except from watching Brodie Moss hunt for fish on YouTube. Nestor however takes you on this journey to discovering more about the free diving world, from competitive diving, to tribes still using this technique to gather food. One of my favorite sections was his recollection of joining scientists for a trip to unknown lands to research marine life, you can really sense his love and respect for the ocean and everything apart of it.

National Geographic is a brand well known to this space and everyone in it, whether you’ve watched the documentaries or scan random social posts. However, recently I’ve invested more time into their magazines, articles written by multiple authors on a vast amount of different subjects means that every turn of the page will encourage a new interest of the reader. My personal favorites, probably for obvious reasons was the Net Geo Traveller, The Best of Scandinavia, these authors spent time at various different parts of the worlds, looking and experiencing different cultures, views and noting where best to visit and when, worth a look for any Nomad interested in travel, luckily this came with an Islands mag also which showcased different Islands but also gave insight into perfect get aways.

This suggestion is a little different to the usual, however I do get to the point in the end I promise, The Anti-Blueprint project. This book is by Jonathan Weaver and is filled with interviews and insight from people across the world and different walks of life that decided to take an unconventionally route with life, I know that some Nomads dream of a life where they can based their whole life on adventure and not get bogged down with a 9-5, this book is fully of inspiration on how that may be achievable. The book is also full of people who have managed to bag their dream job which encourages them to venture around the world. For me this book shown that the options are endless and which ever route you take in life, your life is still yours and you can do whatever you please with it as long as you work hard enough.

I know that reading isn’t for everyone so these next few resources are screen based, for those days where you’re wiped out from the surf, or you pushed your body to its limits on a hike and a rest day is in order.

Redbull TV, some of you may never of heard of it, some of you may use it as a holy resource where you watch your hero’s smash life, either way these are my must watch; Life of Kai, whether you’re into surfing or not, Kai Lenny’s story is one that anyone can respect and get inspired by. The series starts off by documenting his journey back in 2019 to become ‘one of the best big wave riders on the planet bare none’ all the way through to present life. Not only this but you also get a front row seat too amazing imagery of some of the biggest waves across the world ever captured.

The next one from Redbull TV, is No Contest Off Tour, this is another surfing based series where Ashton Goggnas takes a trip round the world looking at multiple different surf spots, talking to the local surf legends. This series not only shows its respect to the surfing champions but captures their true passion and meaning behind why they surf, as well as capturing who they give thanks to and showcase their own community that brought them to the water and encourages them to stay within it.

We spoke previously about Brodie Moss, you may not of heard him before but he’s the mastermind behind The Youngbloods (YBS), I got introduced to him and the YouTube channel in Uni, I used to have his videos as a mini-screen on my laptop while my dissertation sat behind it. He started off with a full time job and done YouTube on the side by grabbing any spare time he had, his fishing gear and his tinny and heading out to the water, he used to set himself challenges, shown how to catch and fillet a fish and much more all with the stunning backdrop of the Australian coastline. Now he does YouTube full time, has developed his own fishing spear and has a tonne of new toys to play with. The guy is a legend and another great example of, if you work hard enough you’ll get what you desire!

I hope you enjoy these suggestions, for any links to the above be sure to check out the Instagram, and if you enjoyed this Nomad’s Journey entry let us know and I’ll continue to be on the look out for more great resources and entertainment… honestly I don mind!